Collective Worship & Our Church
At Mapperley CE Primary School Christian values are embedded in many parts of the curriculum. The children receive a variety of opportunities to enhance their spirituality. There are also opportunities for prayer and reflection during times of worship and throughout the school day. Children are invited to use the garden area to write prayers or have quiet thinking time. Our Collective Worship link to our values for the term.
At Mapperley Church of England School we have a daily act of collective worship where we meet as a school community to sing hymns, listen to stories, reflect on them and pray together. Children are involved in delivery of Collective Worship throughout the school year. Key Stage 2 children have opportunity to plan and deliver our worships. They help to plan, organise and lead the major services which are held in Holy Trinity Church: Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Mothering Sunday and the Leavers' Service. Children may use Bible readings and write their own prayers for the services.
We have strong links with Holy Trinity. Reverend Gill is a regular visitor to the school and is involved in Collective Worship for the children once a month. Every Wednesday church readers, including Mrs Watts, one of our Governors, come in to one of the classes to lead a Collective Worship. When Worship takes place at Holy Trinity Church, parents and friends within the local community are warmly welcome to attend.
At Mapperley CE Primary School, we have strong links with Holy Trinity Church and the church community in the village. Reverend Gill leads regular worship in both school and church. At key times during the year families are invited to join school at church for worship, these include: Harvest Festival, Remembrance, Christingle, Carol Service, Mothering Sunday Worship, Easter worship and Leavers' worship.
"I'm Rev Gill, the local Rector (aka Vicar). It is my privilege to serve the school, community and Church here in Mapperley, as well as their sister Churches and communities in West Hallam, Stanley and Stanley Common. I love seeing the children at my monthly Collective Worship sessions in Mapperley C of E Primary - they are so welcoming, bright and engaging: a real credit to their parents and the school. It is also wonderful when the school and community join us in worship in Church, both in the week and on the occasional Sundays. Again, it is a real boost to the community and (hopefully) the pupils to feel that they are part of something bigger than themselves."
WSSM Churches Together- this is the combined website for the 6 churches in the villages of Mapperley, Stanley, Stanley Common and West Hallam, which are situated between Derby and Nottingham, to the west of the town of Ilkeston, Derbyshire.
At Mapperley CE Primary School, Christian values are embedded in many parts of the curriculum. The children receive a variety of opportunities to enhance their spirituality. There are also opportunities for prayer and reflection during times of worship and throughout the school day. Children are invited to use the garden area to write prayers or have quiet thinking time. Our Collective Worship link to our values for the term.
We have a daily act of collective worship where we meet as a school community to sing hymns, listen to stories, reflect on them and pray together. Children are involved in delivery of Collective Worship throughout the school year. Key Stage 2 children have opportunity to plan and deliver our worships. They help to plan, organise and lead the major services which are held in Holy Trinity Church: Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Mothering Sunday and the Leavers' Service. Children may use Bible readings and write their own prayers for the services.
The school has strong links with Holy Trinity. The vicar is a regular visitor to the school and is involved in Collective Worship for the children once a month. Every Wednesday church readers, including Mrs Watts, one of our Governors, come in to one of the classes to lead a Collective Worship. When Worship takes place at Holy Trinity Church, parents and friends within the local community are warmly welcome to attend.
It is very difficult to put into words what ‘spirituality’ actually is because it is a very personal experience. It differs from person to person, and often spirituality changes within people during their lifetime. Spirituality is not the same as having a religion or faith; a person can be spiritual without having a particular faith.
As a school, we have defined spirituality as:
“Spirituality is not something we can see; it is something we feel inside ourselves. It is about awe and wonder, asking questions, inspiration and being aware of something ‘bigger’ outside of ourselves.”
The language we use to define spirituality is not child-friendly, so when talking to children about it we will refer to:
- A sense of awe and wonder
- Care for nature and living things
- Wanting to love and to be loved by people
Awe and Wonder
Children are born curious, and it is our duty to nurture this natural inquisitiveness and guide them towards looking at the world and noticing, with awe and wonder, the natural and man-made delights all around us. We want to encourage them to ask ‘big questions’ about life, religion, nature, science and any other areas of fascination.
Caring for Nature and Living Things
We provide many opportunities for children to learn about nature and the role they play in protecting our world. As a Church School, this is especially important. We have a very close links with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and The Woodland Trust. We have planted many trees, made bird feeders and owl boxes. Children regularly attend Forest School and have visits to Woodside Farm Nature Reserve, as well as The Young People's Forest. Through science and topic work, children learn about the world and how they can care for living things. Our School has been awarded the Green Tree Award and Silver Eco School Award.
Love We are a caring school, who pride ourselves of our ethos of family. Through our Christian Values, we teach children to care for friends, family and the community. Our curriculum includes learning about those we love and who love us.
Children’s spiritual development is fostered through all aspects of our provision. It is about the relationships and the values that we consider to be important, as well as the development of knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes. We give children opportunities to:
- Begin to develop their own system of beliefs which may or may not include religious beliefs.
- Express their personal beliefs and compare their views with others, sharing their feelings and opinions through discussions and stories.
- Experience a love of learning through rewarding their enthusiasm and by encouraging exploratory play and learning.
- Experience a range of stories, music, art, dance & drama.
- Reflect upon the world around them and show a sense of awe and wonder towards aspects of the natural world or human achievement.
- Reflect on the situations of others through role play, stories.
The Trinity is the word used to explain the Christian belief that God is 3 persons in 1:
God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit
At Mapperley CE Primary School, we begin each act of worship by using items to remind us of each person of the Trinity:
- The Bible, God’s word helps us to think about God the father
- The cross helps us to think about God the son, Jesus Christ
- The candle helps us to think about the Holy Spirit, God’s presence around us
We have learnt the sign Language for God showing the 3 persons in 1 God