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"Small School-Big Family!"
Our ethos is simple. We provide a high quality of education and care for all of our children that helps them begin to reach their potential and prepares them for the next stages in their education and for their future lives. We develop an enthusiasm for learning through fun and engaging experiences which include everyone.
We want to work with you, as parents, in helping our children enrich their lives academically, spiritually and socially. Mapperley serves children from the school year in which they are five years old, up to age eleven.
The school has a pupil roll of approximately 65 children, organised currently into three classes: Discoverers (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2), Adventurers (mainly Year 3 and Year 4) and Navigators (Year 5 and Year 6).
As an outstanding Church school, we have close links with a number of local churches, especially Holy Trinity Church in the village. We reflect Christian values in the everyday life of the school.
We encourage parents to become part of the family of our school; helping during school time or becoming involved in events organised by the Parent Teacher Association. You are always welcome to talk to staff about any concerns held by you or your child.
Our Federation successfully joined Mapperley CE Primary and Horsley CE Primary together in September 2022, having federated informally in April 2020. Linking both schools together has enabled us to celebrate the individual strengths of each and enhance the provision across both. I have been fortunate to have been involved with the federation from its infancy and can say with all honesty that both schools are fantastic places to be.
Our is a popular village school situated in the village of Mapperley, with beautiful surrounding countryside, on the edge of Shipley Country Park and Woodside Nature Reserve. We are a mile from West Hallam and approximately 4 miles from Ilkeston.
We are very proud of our school and warmly welcome anyone wishing to visit us to see some of the exciting learning opportunities that we offer, our fantastic children and our dedicated staff team. Anyone wishing to arrange a visit can do so by contacting Mrs Maria Brennan or Mrs Stacey Hudson in the school office.
Richard Cripps,
Executive Headteacher