Who's Who
Mr Richard Cripps
Executive Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mrs Hayley Marshall
Assistant Headteacher, SENDCO, Deputy DSL & Navigators
Mrs Michelle Rostron
Discoverers Teacher, Early Years & Key Stage 1
Mr Oliver Crofts
Adventurers Teacher, Key Stage 2
Miss Helen Willis
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs Stacey Hudson
Executive School Business Manager
Mrs Maria Brennan
School Business Assistant
Mr Paul Mitchell
Mrs Katie Vigars
Higher- Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs Tracy Slater
Higher- Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs Courtney King-Simpson
Higher- Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs Maria Millward
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Linda Parkes
Mid-day Supervisor
Mrs Josey Brown
Mid-day Supervisor
Statutory Financial Information- We confirm that we have no staff earning a gross salary of more than £100,000.