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The Federation
Mapperley COFE Controlled School home page

Church of England Primary School


Our School Day

Our School Day 

Main School Sessions


 9am to 12 noon

(children can go into class from 8.50am)


 1.00pm to 3.15pm 



School is open for flexible drop off from 8.50am and children can go straight into class.  The gate will be closed at 9am and late arrivals will enter the school through the main office.


Collection time is 3.15pm.


Notification of School Closures

If we have to close the school due to circumstances beyond our control, we will contact parents and carers as soon as possible by text via our school app Parenthub or text message.



Planned closures (e.g. INSET days) are published on our calendar and in advance through newsletters.