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Mapperley COFE Controlled School home page

Church of England Primary School


School Meals

School Meals at Mapperley

Our school dinners are cooked at and delivered from St Thomas Catholic Voluntary Academy.

To assist administration, dinner money should be brought on Monday morning.  If your child is absent on Monday, the amount for the remainder of the week should be paid in on the day they return to school.

To encourage independence and to save administration time for staff, please send your child with their own dinner money in a named purse or envelope.  Application forms for free meals may be obtained from the school office.  Currently all children in Discoverers (EYFS and Key Stage 1) receive Universal Free School Meals.


For more information about School Meals please visit this link.

Packed lunches

For those children who do not have a school dinner, the governors have adopted the following as school policy:

  1. Food must be brought in a container marked with the child’s name.
  2. Drinks in a plastic container with a screw cap complete with straw or cup and also marked with the child’s name.
  3. Packets of sweets are not allowed as part of lunch but chocolate bars with biscuit are acceptable e.g. Penguin, Club etc.
  4. ‘Sandwich’ children should be provided with a beaker or straw for their drink and a spoon for yoghurts etc. from home.
  5. Lunch containers must be placed on the lunch box trolley at the start of each day and not kept on coat pegs.
  6. Please remember when packing a lunch box that children who eat a balanced diet perform better in school!

We encourage the children to drink water regularly.  It is available from the drinking fountain but it is preferable that they bring their own bottle daily.


Morning Break Snack

In accordance with healthy eating guidelines we encourage the children to bring a healthy snack for break times, such as fruit or dried fruit.  


Fruit Scheme

The Government recently introduced a National School Fruit Scheme.  Children aged 4 - 6 are entitled to a free piece of fruit each school day, which we give them at  breaktimes.  Should your child be allergic or unable to eat certain fruits,  then please inform the school office.