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The Federation
Mapperley COFE Controlled School home page

Church of England Primary School



Please be advised that the Board of Governors was dissolved in July 2022, with a single board being created for The Horsley & Mapperley Federation of Church of England Schools during Term 1, with governors representing both Mapperley CE Primary School and Horsley CE Primary School.

Chair of Governors- Mrs Charlie Dean


School governors make up the largest group of volunteers in the country. They operate as a Board, similar to the Board of Directors of a larger company. Their work is directed by a Government Ministry and the Department for Education.


Governors have a role not a job. This means that they act within a defined way. They are responsible for three core functions in their leadership role.

  1. Creating a Strategic Vision which informs the direction and development of the school.
  2. Holding the Head to account for educational and financial outcomes.
  3. Ensuring that the financial matters relating to the school are compliant and efficient.


Governors appoint and manage the Executive Headteacher of The Horsley and Mapperley Federation of Church of England Schools.


Like the school, we are responsible to, and Inspected by, Ofsted on behalf of the Department for Education and by the Diocese of Derby.


Staff and governors work to achieve the right balance for your children so they feel happy and relaxed on the one hand, while working hard with lessons that challenge and stretch them so that they achieve as much as they individually can.


Governors work with the staff to prepare the pupils for the society they will join and to ensure that the transition to other schools is as smooth as possible.


The Federation Board has one governor designated to keeping children safe and another to ensure that those children who are vulnerable and have special educational needs have the best resources we can provide within the constraints of the school budget.


The Federation Board has a governor who is there to ensure that the features of the Anglican faith are part of everything the school does and is reflected in our ethos and culture. Governors are appointed with different strengths and skills to bring to the team.


The board carries out its work in a series of meetings each year


Full Governing Board   (FGB)            6 Meetings each year – 15 Hours

Additional meetings will also be held.


As your representatives we are always willing to act in the interests of everyone.  If there is something you need further explanations on or an issue to do with our policies and procedures, you are welcome to get in touch.


However, if your issue is to make a complaint about something concerning a child, then the school complaints procedure needs to be followed and a copy of the current policy can be found on the website.


To contact the board please get in touch with our Clerk to Governors,

Mrs. Angela Colclough at or telephone 0115 9325386 (Mapperley) or 01332 880782 (Horsley) to speak to the school office.


Type of Governor

Current Term of Office

Declaration of Pecuniary Interests

Mrs. Charlie Dean

Chair of Governors


Sept 22- Sept 26


Mrs. Rachel Newton


Vice Chair of Governors & Local Authority Governor 

 February 2023- February 2027l


Mr. Kieran Harrod



Sept 22- Sept 26


Mrs. Angela Colclough

Clerk to Governors

Jan 22


Mr. Chris Gregory


November 23- November 27


Mrs. Joanne Watts


October 22- October 26


Mr. Mike Channon


Sept 22- Sept 26


Mr. Pete Haslock


Sept 22- Sept 26


Mr. Dean Watson


September 2023-September 2027


Ms Kate Halls


Sept 22- Sept 26


Mr. Justin MarsdenCo-optedSept 22- Sept 26 

Mrs. Nicola Tusa


November 23- November 27


Mr Paul Stubbs


Sept 22- Sept 26


Mrs. Stacey Hudson


Sept 22- Sept 26


Mr. Richard Cripps

Executive Headteacher

Whilst in post



Responsibilities of Governors

SEND – Ms K Halls

EYFS/Curriculum – Mrs K Stuart & Mrs R Newton

Safeguarding – Ms K Halls

H&S/Well-Being – Mr P Haslock & Mr R Vallance

SP- Mr M Channon

PP/Anglican Faith – Mrs J Watts

Complaints/Resources/Finance – Mrs C Dean & Mr P Stubbs


EYFS= Early Years Foundation Stage

H&S= Health and Safety

SEND=Special Educational Needs and Disability

PP= Pupil Premium

SP=Sports Premium



Governor Attendance

Full Governing Board Meetings


3rd October 2023

Richard Cripps / Rachel Newton / Charlie Dean / Peter Haslock / Joanne Watts / Paul Stubbs / Stacey Hudson / Kate Halls / Joanne Watts / Justin Marsden / Kieran Harrod

Visitor Dean Watson


12th September 2023- Additional Meeting- Governor Vision & Values

Richard Cripps / Rachel Newton / Charlie Dean / Paul Stubbs / Stacey Hudson / Justin Marsden


4th July 2023

Richard Cripps / Rachel Newton / Peter Haslock / Joanne Watts / Paul Stubbs / Stacey Hudson / Tina Langsdale / Mike Channon


16th May 2023

Richard Cripps / Rachel Newton / Kieran Harrod / Peter Haslock / Joanne Watts / Paul Stubbs / Katy Stuart / Stacey Hudson / Tina Langsdale / Mike Channon /Kate Halls / Joanne Watts


7th March 2023

Richard Cripps / Rachel Newton / Kieran Harrod / Peter Haslock / Joanne Watts / Paul Stubbs / Katy Stuart / Stacey Hudson / Tina Langsdale / Mike Channon


24th January 2023

Richard Cripps / Rachel Newton / Kieran Harrod / Peter Haslock / Joanne Watts / Paul Stubbs / Rachel Newton / Justin Marsden / Kieran Harrod /Charlie Dean / Katy Stuart via Teams/ Kate Halls via Teams / Stacey Hudson


15th November 2022 at Horsley CE Primary School:

Richard Cripps / Peter Haslock / Joanne Watts / Mike Channon / Paul Stubbs / Rachel Newton / Justin Marsden / Kieran Harrod / Tina Langsdale / Katy Stuart / Kate Halls via Teams


5th October 2022 at Mapperley CE Primary School:

Richard Cripps / Stacey Hudson / Peter Haslock / Joanne Watts / Mike Channon / Paul Stubbs / Charlie Dean / Rachel Newton / Justin Marsden


Former Governors

Governor Name


Date Left Governing Board

Mrs Katy Stuart


11th September 2023
Mrs. Tina LangsdaleCo-opted22nd July 2023
Mr. Russell VallanceFoundation11th December 2022

Mrs. Kate Davison

Foundation – Co-Chair

5th July 2021

Mr Ryan Blake

Vice Chair

18th July 2020

Mr John Fletcher


26th June 2019

Rev Gill Turner-Callis  


10th October 2019